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Metropolitant Liquor Traders Association


Uniting Spirits, Empowering Success


Melta’s mission is to represent and support liquor traders across Kenya, fostering a thriving and responsible liquor industry while advocating for the interest of our members We aim to promote professionalism, ethical business practices, and sustainable growth, while working in collaboration with relevant stakeholders to create a conducive environment for liquor trade


MELTA will be focused on protecting the interests and safety of consumers and on ensuring that alcohol is enjoyed in moderation, in ways that are appropriate to the local context and in line with national best practices



Wine glass, wine bottle and grapes on wooden background. Wine tasting.

Wines & Spirits

Small, Medium & Large

Public Entertainment Venues

Cinemas/Movies, Theme Parks

Premises & Hotels

Licensed upto 3 am & 11pm

Consultants Artists


Restaurant & Bars


Multiple Ownership

Owners & Assosiations

Are U reADY?

Structure & background

Medium Liquor Traders Association was thought of in June 2020 by the founder Mr. Mbogo Frank, after noticing the plight of liquor traders in Kenya, when the country first experienced COVID-19 restrictions on a national restriction on alcohol. The liquor was not organized and did not have a voice to represent their needs and amplify the challenges they faced as a result of the national lockdown restrictions on liquor sales. Other African countries dealt with the situation differently whilst facing the global pandemic.

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Companies Engaged
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Frank Mbogo

Chairman - MELTA


Representing the interests of the liquor traders in Kenya at various levels, including government bodies, regulatory agencies, and industry forums, to advocate for favourable policies, fair licensing procedures, and taxation frameworks that support the growth and sustainability of liquor trading businesses.
Advocacy & Representation
Participating in the development of policies and regulations related to the alcohol industry, providing expert input and recommendations, and influencing decision-making process to ensure the concern and needs of liquor traders are adequately addressed.
Policy Development & Influence
Providing educational and training programs to liquor traders, aimed at enhancing their knowledge, skills, and professionalism in areas such as responsible alcohol sales, customer service, business management, compliance with legal requirements, and health and safety practices.
Education & Training
Establishing a centralized platform or communication channels to disseminate relevant and up-to-date information to liquor traders, including market trends, legal updates, industry best practices, and business development resources, to empower them with valuable insights for informed decision-making.
Information and Resource Sharing
Creating opportunities for liquor traders to network, collaborate, and share experiences, fostering a supportive community where members can exchange ideas, discuss challenges, and learn from one another to enhance their businesses’ growth and success.
Networking & Collaboration
Promoting responsible alcohol consumption practices among liquor traders and their customers through awareness campaigns, partnerships with alcohol organizations, and initiatives aimed at reducing underage drinking, combating alcohol-related harm, and promoting the well-being of communities.
Social responsibility
Offering assistance and guidance to liquor traders in areas such as business planning, financing options, marketing strategies, and operational efficiency, to help them establish and sustain successful enterprises.
Business Support & Development
Encouraging and facilitating adherence to legal requirements, industry standards, and ethical practices among liquor traders, promoting responsible business conduct, fair competition, and a positive public image for the alcohol industry.
Compliance & Ethics
Collaborating with other industry associations, trade organizations, and stakeholders withing the alcohol industry to address common challenges, share knowledge and resources, and work collectively towards the growth and improvement of the sector.
Industry Collaboration
Advocating for policies and initiatives that recognize and promote the economic contribution of liquor trading industry to the national economy, highlight its role in job creation, revenue generation, and supporting local business and supply chain.
Economic Contribution

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