The Movement for Empowerment of Liquor Traders Association (MELTA) is delighted to announce a significant breakthrough following a productive meeting with the Kenya Copyright Board (KECOBO). The outcome of the discussions has brought renewed hope and optimism for liquor traders across the country, signaling a positive step forward in addressing industry challenges.

During the meeting, KECOBO demonstrated a genuine commitment to understanding and resolving the challenges faced by liquor traders, recognizing them as essential stakeholders within the hospitality sector. This acknowledgment reflects a pivotal shift in perspective, positioning liquor traders as integral contributors to the economy and deserving of support and recognition.

One of the key issues addressed during the meeting was the ongoing challenges related to the payment of Music Copyright Society of Kenya (MCSK) tariffs and the accompanying harassment faced by liquor traders. MELTA brought these concerns to the forefront, highlighting the adverse impact they have on the livelihoods of its members


In response to MELTA’s advocacy efforts, KECOBO has agreed to review the current MCSK tariffs and explore alternative approaches to address the challenges faced by liquor traders. As a result, MELTA urges its members to refrain from making any payments towards MCSK tariffs until further directives are provided.

To facilitate communication and support for members encountering challenges related to MCSK payments or harassment, MELTA has established channels for assistance. Members are encouraged to reach out to the office through the dedicated hotline at 0704173598. This proactive approach ensures that members receive the necessary support and guidance during this transitional period.

The decision to postpone MCSK payments underscores MELTA’s commitment to advocating for the rights and interests of liquor traders. By leveraging dialogue and engagement with regulatory bodies like KECOBO, MELTA continues to champion positive change within the industry, striving for fair and equitable treatment of its members.

Looking ahead, MELTA remains steadfast in its mission to empower liquor traders and foster a supportive environment for their businesses to thrive. Through collaborative efforts and ongoing advocacy, MELTA aims to shape policies and regulations that promote the growth and sustainability of the hospitality sector.

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