Members of the Metropolitan (Small and Medium) Liquor Traders Association (MELTA) actively participated in a Public Participation Forum hosted by the Kenya Copyright Board (KECOBO) today. The forum focused on the registration of companies as Collective Management Organizations (CMOs), which are crucial for managing music licensing and royalties in the industry.

Chairman Frank Mbogo’s Address

Mr. Frank Mbogo, the Chairman of MELTA, delivered a compelling address during the forum. His speech emphasized the importance of collaboration and transparent communication in shaping policies that are both fair and sustainable for the liquor industry.

  • Importance of Collaboration: Mr. Mbogo stressed that collective efforts are essential to address the challenges faced by liquor traders, particularly those related to music licensing. He called for a unified approach to ensure that the concerns of “music users” are heard and addressed effectively.
  • Significance of Collective Management Organizations (CMOs): He explained the vital role CMOs play in the industry, helping to streamline the licensing process and ensure that artists are fairly compensated. However, he also highlighted the need for these organizations to operate transparently and fairly, without imposing undue burdens on businesses.
  • Policies that Support and Protect the Industry: Mr. Mbogo urged for policies that not only support the creative sector but also protect the interests of liquor traders. He emphasized the necessity of a balanced approach that considers the economic realities of business owners while ensuring compliance with copyright laws.

Unity and Advocacy

Mr. Mbogo’s speech also underscored the power of unity among MELTA members. By standing together, the association can amplify its concerns and advocate more effectively for fair treatment and reasonable policies.

  • Amplifying Concerns: He called on members to remain united in their efforts to push for policies that are fair and equitable. Unity among members will strengthen their voice and influence in discussions with regulatory bodies like KECOBO.
  • Fair Treatment: The Chairman stressed the importance of pushing for fair treatment from CMOs and other regulatory entities. Ensuring that licensing fees and policies are reasonable and transparent is key to sustaining the industry.

Productive Platform for Voicing Concerns

The Public Participation Forum provided an invaluable platform for MELTA members to voice their concerns and engage with policymakers.

  • Open Dialogue: The forum facilitated open dialogue between KECOBO and stakeholders in the liquor industry. This kind of engagement is crucial for developing policies that reflect the needs and realities of all parties involved.
  • Advocating for Positive Change: MELTA members used this opportunity to advocate for changes that will benefit both the liquor and creative industries. Constructive feedback and suggestions were provided to KECOBO to ensure that the registration process for CMOs is fair and transparent.

Looking Ahead

MELTA remains committed to continued engagement and collaboration with KECOBO and other stakeholders. By working together, the association aims to build a stronger, more unified industry that supports both business owners and artists.

  • Ongoing Engagement: MELTA will continue to participate in forums and discussions to ensure that the voices of liquor traders are heard. Ongoing engagement is essential for shaping policies that are fair and sustainable.
  • Building a Stronger Industry: The association’s efforts are focused on building a stronger, more resilient industry. By advocating for fair treatment and transparent policies, MELTA aims to create an environment where both businesses and artists can thrive.

In conclusion, MELTA’s active participation in the KECOBO Public Participation Forum highlights the association’s commitment to advocating for fair and transparent policies. Through unity and collaboration, MELTA is working towards a future where the liquor and creative industries can coexist and flourish. Let’s continue to engage, collaborate, and build a stronger, more unified industry together.

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