Successful Follow-Up Meeting with PAVRISK on Current Tariffs Compliance

We are pleased to announce that MELTA, KAHC, and PERAK recently held a highly productive meeting with PAVRISK to discuss the current state of tariffs compliance. The meeting was marked by constructive discussions and a collective commitment to enhancing the tariffs framework for the benefit of all stakeholders.

Key Outcomes of the Meeting

During the meeting, we deliberated on the necessity of an all-inclusive and substantial working framework to address the complexities of tariffs compliance. The discussions culminated in a mutual agreement on the importance of establishing a joint tariffs review committee for the 2023-2024 timeframe. This committee will play a crucial role in ensuring that the tariffs system is fair, transparent, and effective.


The meeting brought together key figures from the involved organizations, highlighting the collaborative spirit and shared objectives. The attendees were:

  1. Mr. Joseph Njagih – CEO, PAVRISK
  2. Mr. Michael Muthami – National Chairman, PERAK
  3. Mr. Francis Mbogo – National Chairman, MELTA
  4. Mr. Peter Enyenze – National Head of Operations, PAVRISK
  5. Ms. Hellen Ochola – Business Development Manager, PAVRISK
  6. Mr. Alex Matindi – Secretary General, MELTA
  7. Mr. Julius Thuo – Director, PERAK
  8. Ms. Eunice Ogea – Executive Officer, PERAK
  9. Mr. Mboya Brian – Board Member, MELTA
  10. Mr. Simon Mungai – Secretary Advocate, MELTA

Collaborative Efforts and Future Plans

The formation of the joint tariffs review committee is a significant step towards achieving a balanced and equitable tariffs framework. This committee will be responsible for reviewing the current tariffs, identifying areas for improvement, and recommending changes that will benefit all parties involved.

The meeting underscored the commitment of all organizations to work together in creating a tariffs system that is both fair and effective. The collaborative efforts of MELTA, KAHC, PERAK, and PAVRISK are geared towards ensuring that tariffs compliance is maintained at the highest standards, fostering a business environment that promotes growth and stability.


MELTA is dedicated to working hand in hand with its partners to develop a comprehensive tariffs framework that addresses the needs and concerns of all stakeholders. The successful follow-up meeting with PAVRISK is a testament to our commitment to collaboration and continuous improvement in tariffs compliance.

We look forward to the positive impact that the joint tariffs review committee will have on the 2023-2024 tariffs framework and remain optimistic about the future of our collaborative efforts. Together, we are paving the way for a more transparent, fair, and efficient tariffs system that benefits everyone.

Stay tuned for further updates as we continue to work towards our shared goals.

Productive Partnership and Collaboration Discussions at the MELTA and Tourism Fund Meeting

The recent meeting between the Management and Economic Leaders of Tourism Association (MELTA) and the Tourism Fund marked a significant step forward in fostering productive partnerships and collaborations aimed at enhancing the hospitality industry. Key areas of discussion focused on capacity-building training for stakeholders and developing effective modalities for levy remittance, crucial for the sustainability and growth of the sector.

Key Areas Discussed

Collaboration on Capacity-Building Trainings

One of the primary topics of discussion was the collaboration on capacity-building training for stakeholders in the hospitality industry. These trainings are designed to benefit both the owners and the staff, ensuring that all members of the industry are well-equipped with the latest skills and knowledge. Capacity-building initiatives are essential for maintaining high standards of service, fostering innovation, and improving overall industry competitiveness.

  • Owner and Staff Development: Training programs will be tailored to meet the specific needs of both business owners and their employees, enhancing their professional skills and enabling them to deliver superior service.
  • Skill Enhancement: Focus on continuous professional development to keep pace with the evolving demands of the hospitality industry, including new technologies, customer service techniques, and sustainable practices.

Developing Effective Modalities for Levy Remittance

Another critical area of discussion was the development of effective modalities for traders to remit their levies and understand the significance of supporting the Tourism Fund. This initiative aims to streamline the levy payment process, ensuring that it is efficient, transparent, and accessible for all stakeholders.

  • Ease of Remittance: Creating user-friendly systems and procedures to facilitate the timely and accurate remittance of levies.
  • Educational Outreach: Conducting awareness campaigns to educate stakeholders on the importance of their contributions to the Tourism Fund and how these funds are utilized to support industry growth and development.

Esteemed Board Members in Attendance

The meeting was graced by the presence of esteemed board members from both the Tourism Fund and MELTA, each bringing valuable insights and expertise to the table.

Tourism Fund Representatives:

  • Edward Kisali – Levy Compliance Manager: Edward Kisali emphasized the importance of compliance in maintaining the integrity and sustainability of the Tourism Fund.
  • Abdikadir Abdulahi – Team Leader, Nairobi Region: Abdikadir Abdulahi discussed regional challenges and opportunities, highlighting the need for localized strategies to enhance levy collection and utilization.
  • Nathan Kemboi – Levy Enforcement Officer: Nathan Kemboi focused on enforcement strategies and the significance of ensuring all stakeholders comply with levy requirements.

MELTA Representatives:

  • Francis Mbogo – Chairman, MELTA: Francis Mbogo underscored the importance of collaboration and the role of MELTA in advocating for the interests of the hospitality sector.
  • Christine Mutuni – MELTA Board Member: Christine Mutuni brought attention to the need for continuous improvement and innovation within the industry.
  • Simon Mungai – MELTA Board Member: Simon Mungai emphasized the importance of stakeholder engagement and capacity-building initiatives.
  • Mboya Brian – MELTA Board Member: Mboya Brian highlighted the significance of strategic partnerships in driving industry growth and sustainability.

Shaping a Brighter Future for the Hospitality Sector

The productive discussions at the MELTA and Tourism Fund meeting set the stage for significant advancements in the hospitality industry. By focusing on capacity-building and effective levy remittance, both organizations are committed to creating a robust framework that supports industry growth and sustainability.

This partnership signifies a collective effort to enhance the professional standards, operational efficiency, and financial sustainability of the hospitality sector. With the combined expertise and dedication of the board members, the future of the industry looks promising.

Together, MELTA and the Tourism Fund are paving the way for a brighter, more prosperous future for all stakeholders in the hospitality industry. This collaboration serves as a model of how strategic partnerships can drive meaningful progress and create lasting positive impacts in the sector.

KECOBO Chairman Hon. Joshua Kutuny Pledges to Boost the Creative Sector

In a recent statement, KECOBO (Kenya Copyright Board) Chairman Hon. Joshua Kutuny reaffirmed his unwavering commitment to enhancing the creative sector, ensuring that it becomes a more lucrative and sustainable industry for all artists. His declaration comes at a pivotal moment, reflecting a renewed focus on stakeholder engagement and the implementation of effective royalty collection mechanisms.

Commitment to Stakeholder Engagement

Hon. Joshua Kutuny emphasized the necessity of engaging a broader spectrum of stakeholders within the creative industry. By doing so, he aims to foster an environment that supports and nurtures the diverse talents of Kenyan artists. Stakeholder engagement is pivotal in identifying the unique challenges and opportunities within the sector, allowing for tailored strategies that cater to the specific needs of different creative domains.

  • Broadening Partnerships: Kutuny plans to collaborate with various stakeholders, including artists, producers, music users, and policy makers, to create a cohesive and supportive network.
  • Feedback Mechanisms: Establishing platforms for continuous dialogue where stakeholders can share their insights and feedback, contributing to the development of policies that directly benefit the creative community.

Significant Increase in Royalty Collections

One of the notable achievements highlighted by Chairman Kutuny is the substantial increase in royalty collections from music users. Since the new Collective Management Organization (CMO) was licensed, daily collections have surged from Sh250,000 to Sh600,000. This dramatic increase underscores the positive reception and compliance by music users, indicating a robust system that benefits both creators and users.

  • Efficient Collection Mechanisms: The new CMO has implemented efficient and transparent royalty collection processes, ensuring that artists receive their rightful dues in a timely manner.
  • Enhanced Compliance: The surge in collections reflects improved compliance by music users, facilitated by the streamlined operations and clear communication from the CMO.
  • Positive Impact on Artists: The increased revenue translates directly to higher earnings for artists, providing them with the financial support necessary to continue creating and innovating.

A Positive Reception from Music Users

The positive reception by music users is a testament to the effectiveness of the new CMO’s licensing and royalty collection strategies. Music users have shown their willingness to comply with the new system, recognizing the importance of fairly compensating artists for their work.

  • Transparent Licensing Processes: The CMO has established clear and fair licensing processes, making it easier for music users to understand their obligations and comply with them.
  • Educational Initiatives: By educating music users about the importance of royalties and the role they play in sustaining the creative industry, the CMO has fostered a culture of respect and support for artists’ rights.

Future Outlook

Hon. Joshua Kutuny’s commitment to engaging stakeholders and the successful increase in royalty collections signal a promising future for the creative sector in Kenya. With continued focus on collaboration and efficient management, the sector is poised to become more lucrative and sustainable for all artists.

  • Sustained Growth: Ongoing efforts to engage stakeholders and refine collection mechanisms will likely lead to sustained growth in the sector.
  • Innovation and Creativity: Increased financial support for artists will enable greater innovation and creativity, enriching the cultural landscape of Kenya.
  • Global Competitiveness: By building a robust and supportive creative ecosystem, Kenya can position itself as a leading hub for creative talent on the global stage.

In conclusion, Hon. Joshua Kutuny’s dedication to enhancing the creative sector, coupled with the impressive increase in royalty collections, marks a significant milestone in the journey towards a thriving and sustainable industry for Kenyan artists. The future looks bright, with ongoing efforts set to further elevate the sector and ensure that all stakeholders reap the benefits of a vibrant creative community.

MELTA Engages with KECOBO to Address Copyright Tariffs

In a recent meeting convened by the Kenya Copyright Board (KECOBO) to discuss the administration of copyright laws, bar owners voiced concerns regarding the new tariffs gazetted by the government for playing music in their premises. The Metropolitan (Small and Medium) Liquor Traders Association (MELTA), representing these business owners, has actively sought to address these issues through dialogue and collaboration.

Bar Owners’ Concerns

Bar owners expressed dissatisfaction with the newly implemented tariffs, which they argue place a significant financial burden on their businesses. The increased costs associated with playing music have led many to call for a more feasible implementation plan that balances the interests of both the business community and the artists.

Productive Discussions

In response to these concerns, a meeting was organized with the top leadership of MELTA, including National Chairman Frank Mbogo, Secretary General Alex Matindi, and Advocate/Secretary Simon Mungai. The discussions, held in the presence of KECOBO officials, aimed to chart a way forward that would enhance compliance with copyright laws while ensuring the sustainability of businesses.

  • National Chairman Frank Mbogo: Frank Mbogo emphasized the importance of finding a solution that supports both business owners and artists. He highlighted the need for a collaborative approach to reach a mutually beneficial agreement.
  • Secretary General Alex Matindi: Alex Matindi stressed the significance of continued dialogue and the necessity of an agreeable implementation plan for the new tariffs.
  • Advocate/Secretary Simon Mungai: Simon Mungai underscored the legal aspects and advocated for a balanced approach that respects both the law and the practical realities faced by bar owners.

Commitment to Collaboration

KECOBO and MELTA have demonstrated a strong commitment to engaging with stakeholders to find a workable solution. The establishment of a dedicated committee marks a significant step in this collaborative effort.

  • Establishment of a Committee: A committee has been formed to engage with businesses that play music for commercial purposes. This committee will work towards reaching a mutual understanding that benefits artists while not crippling businesses.
  • Ongoing Engagements: KECOBO, in partnership with MELTA, will continue to hold discussions with stakeholders to refine the implementation of the new tariffs and ensure that the copyright law is upheld in a manner that is fair to all parties involved.

Enhancing Compliance without Crippling Businesses

The primary goal of these engagements is to enhance compliance with copyright laws without imposing undue hardships on businesses. By fostering open communication and collaboration, KECOBO and MELTA aim to create a regulatory environment that supports both the creative industry and the business community.

  • Balanced Approach: The focus is on finding a balanced approach that allows bar owners to continue playing music while ensuring that artists receive fair compensation for their work.
  • Support for Artists: The new tariffs are intended to ensure that artists are fairly compensated for the use of their music, reflecting the value they bring to commercial establishments.
  • Sustainable Business Practices: KECOBO and MELTA are committed to ensuring that the implementation of copyright laws supports sustainable business practices, enabling bar owners to thrive while respecting the rights of artists.


The recent meeting between KECOBO and MELTA marks a pivotal moment in the administration of copyright laws in Kenya. By addressing the concerns of bar owners and establishing a committee to facilitate ongoing dialogue, KECOBO and MELTA are paving the way for a more harmonious relationship between the business community and the creative industry. This collaborative approach aims to enhance compliance with copyright laws while ensuring that businesses can continue to operate successfully, ultimately benefiting both artists and business owners alike.

MELTA Advocates for Fair Policies at KECOBO Public Participation Forum

Members of the Metropolitan (Small and Medium) Liquor Traders Association (MELTA) actively participated in a Public Participation Forum hosted by the Kenya Copyright Board (KECOBO) today. The forum focused on the registration of companies as Collective Management Organizations (CMOs), which are crucial for managing music licensing and royalties in the industry.

Chairman Frank Mbogo’s Address

Mr. Frank Mbogo, the Chairman of MELTA, delivered a compelling address during the forum. His speech emphasized the importance of collaboration and transparent communication in shaping policies that are both fair and sustainable for the liquor industry.

  • Importance of Collaboration: Mr. Mbogo stressed that collective efforts are essential to address the challenges faced by liquor traders, particularly those related to music licensing. He called for a unified approach to ensure that the concerns of “music users” are heard and addressed effectively.
  • Significance of Collective Management Organizations (CMOs): He explained the vital role CMOs play in the industry, helping to streamline the licensing process and ensure that artists are fairly compensated. However, he also highlighted the need for these organizations to operate transparently and fairly, without imposing undue burdens on businesses.
  • Policies that Support and Protect the Industry: Mr. Mbogo urged for policies that not only support the creative sector but also protect the interests of liquor traders. He emphasized the necessity of a balanced approach that considers the economic realities of business owners while ensuring compliance with copyright laws.

Unity and Advocacy

Mr. Mbogo’s speech also underscored the power of unity among MELTA members. By standing together, the association can amplify its concerns and advocate more effectively for fair treatment and reasonable policies.

  • Amplifying Concerns: He called on members to remain united in their efforts to push for policies that are fair and equitable. Unity among members will strengthen their voice and influence in discussions with regulatory bodies like KECOBO.
  • Fair Treatment: The Chairman stressed the importance of pushing for fair treatment from CMOs and other regulatory entities. Ensuring that licensing fees and policies are reasonable and transparent is key to sustaining the industry.

Productive Platform for Voicing Concerns

The Public Participation Forum provided an invaluable platform for MELTA members to voice their concerns and engage with policymakers.

  • Open Dialogue: The forum facilitated open dialogue between KECOBO and stakeholders in the liquor industry. This kind of engagement is crucial for developing policies that reflect the needs and realities of all parties involved.
  • Advocating for Positive Change: MELTA members used this opportunity to advocate for changes that will benefit both the liquor and creative industries. Constructive feedback and suggestions were provided to KECOBO to ensure that the registration process for CMOs is fair and transparent.

Looking Ahead

MELTA remains committed to continued engagement and collaboration with KECOBO and other stakeholders. By working together, the association aims to build a stronger, more unified industry that supports both business owners and artists.

  • Ongoing Engagement: MELTA will continue to participate in forums and discussions to ensure that the voices of liquor traders are heard. Ongoing engagement is essential for shaping policies that are fair and sustainable.
  • Building a Stronger Industry: The association’s efforts are focused on building a stronger, more resilient industry. By advocating for fair treatment and transparent policies, MELTA aims to create an environment where both businesses and artists can thrive.

In conclusion, MELTA’s active participation in the KECOBO Public Participation Forum highlights the association’s commitment to advocating for fair and transparent policies. Through unity and collaboration, MELTA is working towards a future where the liquor and creative industries can coexist and flourish. Let’s continue to engage, collaborate, and build a stronger, more unified industry together.

MELTA Members Gain Insights at “Grow with Safaricom Business” Forum

MELTA members had the distinct privilege of attending this month’s “Grow with Safaricom Business” forum, an event renowned for its engaging, informative, and influential nature. The forum, which attracted business leaders and entrepreneurs from various sectors, provided a valuable platform for learning and networking.

Key Speakers and Highlights

The event featured several prominent speakers who are experts in their fields, each sharing insights on different facets of business growth in the digital age. Their presentations were both enlightening and practical, offering attendees new perspectives and actionable strategies.

  • Joram Mwinamo, Co-founder and CEO of SNDBX International: Mr. Mwinamo’s session focused on the challenges and opportunities that businesses face in the current digital landscape. He emphasized the importance of innovation and adaptability, encouraging business owners to leverage technology to streamline operations and enhance customer engagement.
  • Nyandia Gachago, ACIM: As a strategist and implementer in online marketing, Ms. Gachago provided a deep dive into the latest trends and best practices in digital marketing. She highlighted the importance of a strong online presence and shared strategies for maximizing reach and engagement through various digital channels.
  • Nelly Kanja, MPESA Brand Lead: Ms. Kanja’s presentation centered on the transformative power of digital financial services. She discussed how MPESA has evolved to become a critical tool for businesses of all sizes, enabling secure and efficient transactions. Her insights into leveraging MPESA for business growth were particularly valuable for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) looking to expand their market reach.

Enriching Experience for All

The forum was not just about listening to speakers; it was an interactive and enriching experience for all attendees. The opportunity to engage with industry leaders and peers allowed MELTA members to gain a deeper understanding of the evolving business landscape.

  • Networking Opportunities: The event provided an excellent platform for networking. MELTA members connected with fellow entrepreneurs, potential business partners, and industry experts. These interactions are invaluable for fostering collaborations and gaining new insights.
  • Actionable Insights: The practical advice and strategies shared by the speakers equipped attendees with actionable insights. From enhancing digital marketing efforts to leveraging financial technology, MELTA members left the forum with a wealth of knowledge to implement in their own businesses.
  • Empowerment and Growth: The overarching theme of the forum was empowerment through knowledge. By understanding the latest trends and tools available, MELTA members are better positioned to drive growth and success in their businesses.

Looking Forward

MELTA is committed to continuous learning and development. Attending events like the “Grow with Safaricom Business” forum is part of the association’s broader strategy to empower its members with the knowledge and resources they need to thrive.

  • Future Engagements: MELTA plans to participate in more forums and workshops that offer valuable insights and networking opportunities. Staying engaged with the broader business community is essential for keeping abreast of new developments and opportunities.
  • Sharing Insights: MELTA will be sharing more insights and takeaways from this impactful event in the coming weeks. Members who could not attend will have access to the key learnings and strategies discussed at the forum.


The “Grow with Safaricom Business” forum was a highly successful and enriching event for MELTA members. The insights gained from the expert speakers, coupled with the networking opportunities, have empowered attendees to navigate the challenges and seize the opportunities of the digital age. As MELTA continues to engage with influential platforms and forums, it reaffirms its commitment to supporting and growing the small and medium-sized liquor trading community. Stay tuned for more updates and insights from MELTA’s ongoing initiatives and engagements!

Spreading Love and Joy: Melta Kenya Visits the Kawangware Initiative Rescue Centre

In a heartwarming display of solidarity and compassion, Melta Kenya embarked on a memorable journey to the Kawangware Initiative Rescue Centre. What ensued was a day filled with boundless love, infectious laughter, and unforgettable memories, leaving an indelible mark on both the visitors and the children at the center.

As the sun rose over the bustling cityscape of Nairobi, a team of volunteers from Melta Kenya gathered with eager anticipation for the day ahead. Armed with smiles, gifts, and hearts brimming with kindness, they set out on a mission to make a difference in the lives of the children at the Kawangware Initiative Rescue Centre.

Upon arrival, the atmosphere was immediately transformed by the presence of the Melta Kenya team. Laughter echoed through the corridors, and anticipation danced in the eyes of the children as they eagerly awaited the day’s activities. From the moment they stepped foot inside the center, the volunteers were met with warm embraces and infectious enthusiasm, igniting a sense of camaraderie and joy that would define the day ahead.

The activities planned for the day were as diverse as they were impactful. From interactive games and storytelling sessions to arts and crafts activities, every moment was designed to foster creativity, imagination, and above all, a sense of belonging. As the children immersed themselves in the various activities, their laughter filled the air, a testament to the joy and fulfillment that comes from simple moments of connection and camaraderie.

But perhaps the most profound impact of the day came from the genuine connections forged between the volunteers and the children. Beyond the games and activities, it was the moments of shared laughter, heartfelt conversations, and genuine expressions of care and compassion that truly made a difference. In each interaction, the volunteers sought to instill a sense of hope, resilience, and unwavering support, serving as beacons of light in the lives of those they touched.

As the day drew to a close, the air was filled with a sense of fulfillment and gratitude. The Melta Kenya team had not only brightened the day of the children at the Kawangware Initiative Rescue Centre but had also left a lasting impression of love, compassion, and hope. In their collective efforts, they had demonstrated the power of unity, kindness, and empathy in creating positive change and transforming lives.

As they bid farewell to the children and staff at the center, the volunteers carried with them cherished memories and a renewed sense of purpose. Their visit to the Kawangware Initiative Rescue Centre had been more than a philanthropic endeavor—it had been a journey of the heart, a testament to the profound impact that acts of kindness and compassion can have on the world around us.

In the end, Melta Kenya’s visit to the Kawangware Initiative Rescue Centre served as a poignant reminder of the power of love, laughter, and human connection to transcend barriers, uplift spirits, and create a brighter tomorrow for all. It was a day filled with love, laughter, and unforgettable memories—a day that would be etched forever in the hearts of those who were fortunate enough to be a part of it.

Empowering Liquor Traders: MELTA’s Advocacy for Change

In the dynamic landscape of policy and advocacy, one organization stands out as a champion for the rights and voices of liquor traders: MELTA. With a steadfast dedication to amplifying their concerns and advocating for their interests, MELTA has emerged as a powerful force for change in the industry.

At the core of MELTA’s mission lies a deep-seated belief in the importance of empowering liquor traders and ensuring their voices are heard in the highest echelons of power. Recognizing the challenges and obstacles faced by this vital sector of the economy, MELTA has made it their mission to advocate for policies and initiatives that promote their well-being and protect their rights.

One of the key pillars of MELTA’s advocacy efforts is their commitment to fostering dialogue and engagement between liquor traders and policymakers. By facilitating open and constructive communication channels, MELTA provides a platform for traders to express their concerns, share their experiences, and contribute to the development of policies that directly impact their livelihoods.

Through strategic partnerships and collaborations with government agencies, regulatory bodies, and other stakeholders, MELTA works tirelessly to ensure that the interests of liquor traders are represented and prioritized in decision-making processes. Whether it’s advocating for fair and transparent licensing procedures, addressing regulatory barriers, or promoting responsible drinking practices, MELTA remains steadfast in their pursuit of positive change.

In addition to advocacy at the policy level, MELTA is also deeply committed to empowering liquor traders with the knowledge, skills, and resources they need to thrive in a competitive market environment. Through capacity-building workshops, training programs, and educational initiatives, MELTA equips traders with the tools and expertise they need to navigate complex regulatory frameworks, enhance their business operations, and adapt to evolving market dynamics.

Furthermore, MELTA actively engages with the broader community to raise awareness about the important role played by liquor traders in the economy and society at large. By challenging stereotypes, dispelling myths, and highlighting the contributions of traders to local economies and communities, MELTA seeks to foster greater understanding, appreciation, and support for their cause.

As MELTA continues to champion the rights of liquor traders, their impact reverberates far beyond the confines of the industry. By advocating for policies that promote fairness, equity, and inclusivity, MELTA contributes to the creation of a more just and equitable society where all individuals have the opportunity to thrive and succeed.

Upholding Liquor Traders’ Rights: MELTA’s Call for Continued Advocacy

In a bid to safeguard the interests and rights of liquor traders, MELTA (Movement for Empowerment of Liquor Traders Association) has underscored the necessity for persistent advocacy efforts. Through a recent statement, the organization has reiterated the importance of maintaining momentum in advocating for fair policies, regulatory reforms, and supportive measures tailored to the needs of liquor traders.

The Chairman of MELTA, in emphasizing the imperative of unity and collective action, has highlighted the pivotal role that active participation and sustained engagement play in effecting meaningful change within the hospitality industry. With liquor traders facing a myriad of challenges ranging from regulatory hurdles to economic uncertainties, the need for cohesive advocacy efforts has never been more pressing.

At the heart of MELTA’s advocacy agenda lies a commitment to championing the rights of liquor traders and ensuring their voices are heard in decision-making processes. By advocating for fair and equitable policies, MELTA seeks to create an enabling environment that fosters the growth and prosperity of liquor traders while safeguarding their interests.

In light of the current landscape characterized by evolving regulatory frameworks and economic dynamics, MELTA has called upon stakeholders within the hospitality industry to join hands in advancing the cause of liquor traders. Through collaborative efforts and dialogue, MELTA aims to address key issues impacting the livelihoods of liquor traders and pave the way for sustainable solutions.

Furthermore, MELTA has emphasized the importance of sustained engagement with policymakers, regulatory bodies, and other stakeholders to drive meaningful change. By forging strategic partnerships and fostering constructive dialogue, MELTA seeks to influence policy decisions and advocate for reforms that benefit liquor traders and the wider community.

As MELTA continues to spearhead advocacy efforts on behalf of liquor traders, the organization remains committed to amplifying their voices and addressing their concerns. Through unity, active participation, and sustained engagement, MELTA envisions a future where liquor traders are empowered to thrive and contribute meaningfully to the economy and society.

Promising Developments in the Hospitality Industry: MELTA’s Meeting with KECOBO

The Movement for Empowerment of Liquor Traders Association (MELTA) is delighted to announce a significant breakthrough following a productive meeting with the Kenya Copyright Board (KECOBO). The outcome of the discussions has brought renewed hope and optimism for liquor traders across the country, signaling a positive step forward in addressing industry challenges.

During the meeting, KECOBO demonstrated a genuine commitment to understanding and resolving the challenges faced by liquor traders, recognizing them as essential stakeholders within the hospitality sector. This acknowledgment reflects a pivotal shift in perspective, positioning liquor traders as integral contributors to the economy and deserving of support and recognition.

One of the key issues addressed during the meeting was the ongoing challenges related to the payment of Music Copyright Society of Kenya (MCSK) tariffs and the accompanying harassment faced by liquor traders. MELTA brought these concerns to the forefront, highlighting the adverse impact they have on the livelihoods of its members


In response to MELTA’s advocacy efforts, KECOBO has agreed to review the current MCSK tariffs and explore alternative approaches to address the challenges faced by liquor traders. As a result, MELTA urges its members to refrain from making any payments towards MCSK tariffs until further directives are provided.

To facilitate communication and support for members encountering challenges related to MCSK payments or harassment, MELTA has established channels for assistance. Members are encouraged to reach out to the office through the dedicated hotline at 0704173598. This proactive approach ensures that members receive the necessary support and guidance during this transitional period.

The decision to postpone MCSK payments underscores MELTA’s commitment to advocating for the rights and interests of liquor traders. By leveraging dialogue and engagement with regulatory bodies like KECOBO, MELTA continues to champion positive change within the industry, striving for fair and equitable treatment of its members.

Looking ahead, MELTA remains steadfast in its mission to empower liquor traders and foster a supportive environment for their businesses to thrive. Through collaborative efforts and ongoing advocacy, MELTA aims to shape policies and regulations that promote the growth and sustainability of the hospitality sector.