Strengthening Communities: Melta Kenya Hosts Delegates from Taiwan for Dynamic Dialogue

Melta Kenya had the honor and privilege of hosting esteemed delegates from Taiwan for an enriching and dynamic dialogue aimed at fortifying associations, uplifting communities, and advocating for social causes. The collaborative exchange of ideas and experiences underscored the importance of collective action in addressing pressing issues and fostering positive change.

The dialogue focused on several key areas of mutual interest and concern, with both Melta Kenya and the delegates from Taiwan expressing a shared commitment to making a difference in their respective communities. Central to the discussions was the importance of fortifying associations as vehicles for social change and empowerment.

Recognizing the vital role that associations play in driving community development, the dialogue highlighted the need to strengthen organizational structures, enhance leadership capabilities, and foster collaboration among stakeholders. By harnessing the collective efforts of members and partners, associations can amplify their impact and effect meaningful change.

A cornerstone of the dialogue was the emphasis on uplifting communities through impactful programs and initiatives. Delegates from Taiwan shared inspiring examples of community-driven projects that have made a tangible difference in the lives of individuals and families. From educational programs to healthcare initiatives, these efforts underscored the power of community solidarity and grassroots activism.

In addition to programmatic interventions, the dialogue also addressed the importance of boosting local capacity and empowering individuals to take ownership of their development journey. By providing access to training, resources, and mentorship opportunities, communities can build resilience and unlock their full potential.

Volunteerism emerged as a central theme of the dialogue, with participants reaffirming the value of giving back to society and contributing to the common good. Whether through time, skills, or resources, volunteers play a critical role in driving social change and fostering a culture of compassion and empathy.

Finally, the dialogue touched upon the pressing issue of drugs and substance abuse, recognizing it as a significant challenge facing communities worldwide. Participants reaffirmed their commitment to advocacy and prevention efforts aimed at raising awareness, promoting education, and supporting individuals affected by addiction.

As the dialogue concluded, both Melta Kenya and the delegates from Taiwan expressed their gratitude for the opportunity to exchange ideas and collaborate on shared priorities. Moving forward, they pledged to continue working together to advance their respective missions and make a positive impact in the communities they serve.


Following the recent gazetted Nairobi Finance Act 2023, the association noted that the alcoholic charges had tremendously increased from the proposed figures.

On Tuesday 8th November 2023, PERAK in conjunction with Small and Medium Liqour Traders Association (MELTA) held a meeting with the Chief Officer Business and Hustler Opportunity Ms. Zipporah Mwangi and Nairobi City County Liquor Director Ms. Rhoda Otieno to discuss and seek clarity on:

1. Business schedules and operation hours in respect to the approved charges

It’s important to note that the new charges take effects immediately upon renewal of the liquor license and the operation hours remains the same where:

  1. General license for a bar is 100,000
  2. Bar and restaurant ksh 130,000
  3. Club license

(see attached schedule)

The concern from both associations were:

  • The approved charges are high and the businesses are struggling to keep afloat
  • Majority of the businesses will close doors leading to job losses and loss of revenue to the County
  • The Nairobi City County should give business owners amnesty in terms of enforcement as this opens up room to extortion and harassment
  • The charges will push/see an increase in consumption and sale of illicit brews
  • The need to collaborate and work together in terms of sensitization and protection of the business owners
  • Review the new charges

It was agreed and resolved that:

  • The county representative will forward the concerns of the industry to the CEC Business and Hustler Opportunity, who will brief H.E. Where PERAK national chairman will be notified on the way forward after a day
  • The associations to formally put the concerns in writing
  • Schedule for a second meeting once a formal letter has been received

Both parties noted the need for consultation and dialogue before seeking other avenues


(PERAK): Mike Muthami (National Chairman), Julius Thuo, Alex Mwonga, Eunice Ogea, Denis Odongi (Chairman Umoja Bar Owners), Robert Odhiambo (Secretary Embakasi East Bar Owners)

(MELTA): Frank Mbogo (National Chairman), Alex Matindi, Mboya Brian

             THIRD SCHEDULE                                        (r. 15)                  


Type of License                                                                         Annual Fees

  1. General retail alcoholic drink license (Bar) –                        
    in respect of premises situated within a                                
    City or a municipality …………………                               100,000                       
  2. General retail alcoholic drink license                                   
    (off license) –                                                                                                         
    in respect of premises situated within
    City or municipality ………………….                                 50,000                         
  3. Brewer’s alcoholic drink license
    For each alcoholic drink or product manufactured:
    (a) one million liters and above per annum                           1,000,000

    (b) between five hundred thousand (500,000)
    and nine hundred ninety nine thousand, nine hundred
    and ninety nine (999,999) liters per annum ………..             500,000

    (c) above twelve thousand (12,000) but below four
    hundred and ninety nine thousand, nine hundred and
    ninety nine liters (499,999) per annum …………….             250,000

    (d) twelve thousand liters (12,000) and below per annum      50,000

  4. Wholesale alcoholic drink license for each premises              50,000                         

  5. Import alcoholic drink license (wholesale):
    (a) one million liters and above                                            1,000,000

    (b) between five hundred thousand (500,000)
    and nine hundred ninety nine thousand, nine hundred
    and ninety nine (999,999) liters  ……..………..                    500,000

    (c) below five hundred thousand (500,000) liters                   250,000

  6. (1) Bottler’s alcoholic drink license                                      250,000                       

    (2) Depot license, in addition to subparagraph (1)
    per depot …………………………………………….             50,000                         

  7. (1) Distributor alcoholic drink license …………….               50,000                         

    (2) Depot license, in addition to subparagraph (1)
    per depot …………………………………………….              20,000                         
  8. Hotel alcoholic drink license
    (a) in respect of premises situated within a City
    or a municipality ……………………………………             50,000                         

    (b) where the license holds a general retail alcoholic
    drink license in respect of the same premises ……..              5,000

  9. Restaurant alcoholic drink license –
    in respect of premises situate within City
    or municipality …………………………………….               30,000                         

  10. (1) Club alcoholic drink license (member’s club) –

in respect of premises situate within  City
or  municipality ……………………………………               100,000
(2) Club alcoholic drink license (proprietary club or
night club or discotheque) –
in respect of premises situate within  City
or  municipality ……………………………………               100,000

  1. Supermarket and franchised retail stores alcoholic
    drink license –
    in respect of supermarkets or franchised retail
    stores for each premises situate within  City
    or  municipality ……………………………………               80,000 

  2. Theatre alcoholic drink license                                             15,000                         

  3. Traveler’s alcoholic drink license
    (a) where the license does not hold a general retail
    alcoholic drink license in respect of the same premises          30,000

    (b) where the license holds a general retail alcoholic
    drink license in respect of the same premises                        15,000

  4. Railway restaurant car alcoholic drink license per car            5,000

  5. Steamship alcoholic drink license, per steamship                  30,000

  6. Temporary or occasional alcoholic drink license per day       1,000

  7. For transferring an alcoholic drink license                            1,000

  8. For removing an alcoholic drink license                               500

  9. For the issue of an assurance under the Act                           1,000

For the issue of a duplicate license                                             300

Statement from Small and Medium Liquor Traders Association against increased license fees

The Small and Medium Liquor Traders Association (MELTA), representing a significant portion of local liquor
establishments and small businesses, wishes to express our profound concern and strong objection to the recent
proposal for a substantial increase in liquor license fees within our community.
While we recognize the importance of generating revenue for public services and regulatory efforts, the proposed
fee hikes have raised significant alarm among our members and stakeholders. These increases have the potential
to impose an undue burden on our small businesses and employees which are already grappling with numerous
economic challenges, especially in the wake of the financial and economic constraints we are currently undergoing
as a country.
Our concerns are as follows:
Disproportionate Impact on Small Businesses: Many of our members are locally-owned, family-operated
businesses. The proposed fee increases disproportionately affect these small establishments, potentially
jeopardizing their viability and contributing to job losses within our community.
Economic Fragility: In an era of economic uncertainty, it is essential to support local businesses, not hinder their
growth. Higher license fees can hinder investment, expansion, and the creation of new jobs within our
Impact on Employment: Higher license fees are likely to lead to job cuts and reduced working hours for our
employees, which would contribute to the already concerning issue of unemployment in our community.
Hindrance to Local Economic Growth: Our establishments are not just places to buy and consume alcohol; they
are integral parts of our local communities. The financial strain caused by increased fees could lead to business
closures, which in turn would have a detrimental effect on local economies.
Deterrence of Responsible Operators: Such steep fee increases may discourage responsible business operators
from maintaining their licenses, potentially leaving room for less scrupulous operators who do not prioritize
responsible alcohol sales and the safety of patrons.
Unaffordability: The proposed fee hikes may lead to increased prices for consumers, which could subsequently
affect local patrons and their access to affordable leisure activities.
Lack of Consultation: We believe that an increase in license fees should be the result of a comprehensive and
collaborative consultation process that takes into account the perspectives of all stakeholders. The absence of such
a process is concerning.
We acknowledge that the responsible regulation of liquor establishments is essential to ensure public safety and
promote responsible alcohol consumption. However, it is our belief that any fee increases should be reasonable,
transparent, and fair to all businesses, considering their size and economic contribution to the community.
We urge the relevant authorities to reconsider the proposed increases in liquor license fees, and we welcome the
opportunity to engage in constructive dialogue to find a more balanced and equitable solution that supports both
local businesses and the community.
The Small and Medium Liquor Traders Association (MELTA) remains committed to upholding the highest
standards of social responsibility and business ethics within our industry. We hope that our concerns will be taken
into account, and we look forward to a productive discussion with relevant County officials on this matter failure
to which we will be left with no option challenging the decision in court.
Francis Mbogo


MEDIUM LIQUOR TRADERS ASSOCIATION – MELTA “Small and Medium Traders Deserve to be heard” Mission Melta’s mission is to represent and support liquor traders across Kenya, fostering a thriving and responsible liquor industry while advocating for the interest of our members we aim to promote professionalism, ethical business practices, and sustainable growth, while working in collaboration with relevant stakeholders to create a conducive environment for liquor trade through: Representation and support: The association aims to be the unified voice of liquor traders in Kenya, advocating for their rights, interests, and concerns. It will provide support to its members by offering guidance, resources and assistance in navigating regulatory frameworks, business challenges, and market dynamics. Thriving and Responsible Industry: The association is committed to promoting a liquor industry that thrives economically while upholding high standards of responsibility. It will encourage members to adopt responsible selling practices, promote awareness about alcohol-related issues, and work towards reducing the negative social and health impacts associated with alcohol consumption. Professionalism and Ethical Business Practices: The association seeks to elevate the professionalism and integrity of liquor traders in Kenya. It will promote ethical business practices, encourage members to comply with legal requirements, and provide training and resources to enhance the knowledge and skills of liquor traders in areas such as customer service, product quality and responsible marketing. Sustainable Growth: The association aims to facilitate the sustainable growth of the liquor industry in Kenya. It will collaborate with relevant stakeholders, such as government authorities, industry experts, and community organizations, to create a supportive business environment. This include advocating for fair policies, streamlining licensing process, and addressing challenges faced by liquor traders, with a focus on long-term economic viability and social responsibility. Collaboration and Stakeholders Engagement: The association recognizes the importance of collaboration and engagement with various stakeholders. It will foster relationships with government agencies, regulatory bodies, community leaders and other industry associations to ensure that the interests and concerns of liquor traders are represented effectively, and to work towards mutually beneficial outcome for all parties involved. Vision MELTA will be focused on protecting the interests and safety of consumers and on ensuring that alcohol is enjoyed in moderation, in ways that are appropriate to the local context and in line with national best practices Leadership: The association aims to be recognized as the foremost authority and spokesperson for liquor traders in Kenya, leading the way in shaping policies, standards, and best practices that promote the interest of its members. Advocacy and Influence: The association seeks to have a significant impact on decision-making processes at the government and regulatory levels, ensuring that the voices of liquor traders are heard, and their concerns and interests are considered when formulating policies and regulations affecting the alcohol industry. Professionalism and Excellence: The association envisions a liquor trading industry in Kenya that upholds the highest standards of professionalism, business ethics, and customer service. It aims to promote continuous learning, innovation, and improvement among its members to elevate the industry’s reputation and credibility. Responsible Alcohol Industry: The association strives to be the forefront of promoting responsible alcohol consumption practices, raising awareness about the potential harms of excessive drinking, and supporting initiatives that promote moderation, health and safety within the liquor trading community and the wider society. Economic Growth and Community Development: The association aims to position the liquor trading industry as a significant contributor to the national economy, generating employment opportunities, fostering entrepreneurship, and supporting local business. It envisions a strong collaboration between liquor traders and communities, with mutual benefits and shared prosperity. Collaboration and Partnerships: The association seeks to build strategic alliances and partnerships with relevant stakeholders, practices among liquor traders and their customers through awareness campaigns, partnerships with alcohol organizations, and initiatives aimed at reducing underage drinking, combating alcohol-related harm, and promoting the well-being of communities. Business Support and Development: Offering assistance and guidance to liquor traders in areas such as business planning, financing options, marketing strategies, and operational efficiency, to help them establish and sustain successful enterprises. Compliance and Ethics: Encouraging and facilitating adherence to legal requirements, industry standards, and ethical practices among liquor traders, promoting responsible business conduct, fair competition, and a positive public image for the alcohol industry. Industry Collaboration: Collaborating with other industry associations, trade organizations, and stakeholder’s within the alcohol industry to address common challenges, share knowledge and resources, and work collectively towards the growth and improvement of the sector. Economic Contribution: Advocating for policies and initiatives that recognize and promote the economic contribution of liquor trading industry to the national economy, highlight its role in job creation, revenue generation, and supporting local business and supply chain. MELTA through pursuing the above objectives, it will effectively serve our members’ interests, strengthen the liquor trading sector, and contribute to the overall growth and development of the country’s alcohol industry. sales. Other African countries dealt with the situation differently whilst facing the global pandemic. Focus Area. BEING A RESPONSIBLE BALANCED INDUSTRY MELTA member will recognise their responsibility towards consumers we believe that responsible consumption of alcohol can be part of a balanced lifestyle and we are committed to fighting against harmful drinking. MELTA acknowledges the value that a whole-of-society approach, combining the public, private and third sectors can bring in this regard GENDER BASED VIOLENCE Our Commitment…… MELTA will seek to play a leading role in the fight against Gender Based Violence (GBV) In addition to Providing this practical support to traders, the 365 GBV in- Action project will focus on the important role That the industry’s frontline workers have been playing: a role in the fight against Gender Based Violence “Themed “Voice of the Voiceless”. Responsible Drinking. MELTA’s members will assume that alcohol should always be enjoyed in moderation and that it can be part of a balanced lifestyle. We are therefore committed to addressing the irresponsible consumption of alcohol. To that end, several programs will be implemented by MELTA members to advance the work being done within the liquor trade industry, and we will also deliver training to frontline staff about the responsible serving of alcohol as well as champion for the establishment of affordable rehabilitation centres for the Alcohol, Drugs and Substance abuse affected citizens Drink and Drive Awareness campaign Our Commitment…… Safety comes first, MELTA members will take a commitment pledge to help in reducing alcohol-related traffic injuries and death, with a slogan Protection of Minors Our Commitment…… MELTA members will strictly be opposed to underage drinking, we are therefore determined to combat underage drinking and will support a whole-society-approach that aims to educate young people on the risks, and dangers associated with teenage drinking. We shall support the adoption of the legal purchasing age (LPA) in each county where our members are. In many counties, our members will adopt self-regulating code of practice for the responsible marketing of their product. We shall apply these principals online. TO GETHER IN SPIRIT – KENYA In collaboration with the brewers and distillers we shall empower un-licensed liquor traders to set-up legal business. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2 including government agencies, industry association, NGOs, and community organizations, to leverage collective strengths, pool resources, and achieve common objective for the sustainable growth and development of the alcohol industry. Objectives; Advocacy and Representation: Representing the interests of the liquor traders in Kenya at various levels, including government bodies, regulatory agencies, and industry forums, to advocate for favourable policies, fair licensing procedures, and taxation frameworks that support the growth and sustainability of liquor trading businesses. Policy Development and Influence: Participating in the development of policies and regulations related to the alcohol industry, providing expert input and recommendations, and influencing decision-making process to ensure the concern and needs of liquor traders are adequately addressed. Education and Training: Providing educational and training programs to liquor traders, aimed at enhancing their knowledge, skills, and professionalism in areas such as responsible alcohol sales, customer service, business management, compliance with legal requirements, and health and safety practices. Information and Resource Sharing: Establishing a centralized platform or communication channels to disseminate relevant and up-to-date information to liquor traders, including market trends, legal updates, industry best practices, and business development resources, to empower them with valuable insights for informed decision-making. Networking and Collaboration: Creating opportunities for liquor traders to network, collaborate, and share experiences, fostering a supportive community where members can exchange ideas, discuss challenges, and learn from one another to enhance their businesses’ growth and success. Social responsibility: Promoting responsible alcohol consumption MEDIUM LIQUOR TRADERS ASSOCIATION – MELTA “Small and Medium Traders Deserve to be heard” Mission Melta’s mission is to represent and support liquor traders across Kenya, fostering a thriving and responsible liquor industry while advocating for the interest of our members we aim to promote professionalism, ethical business practices, and sustainable growth, while working in collaboration with relevant stakeholders to create a conducive environment for liquor trade through: Representation and support: The association aims to be the unified voice of liquor traders in Kenya, advocating for their rights, interests, and concerns. It will provide support to its members by offering guidance, resources and assistance in navigating regulatory frameworks, business challenges, and market dynamics. Thriving and Responsible Industry: The association is committed to promoting a liquor industry that thrives economically while upholding high standards of responsibility. It will encourage members to adopt responsible selling practices, promote awareness about alcohol-related issues, and work towards reducing the negative social and health impacts associated with alcohol consumption. Professionalism and Ethical Business Practices: The association seeks to elevate the professionalism and integrity of liquor traders in Kenya. It will promote ethical business practices, encourage members to comply with legal requirements, and provide training and resources to enhance the knowledge and skills of liquor traders in areas such as customer service, product quality and responsible marketing. Sustainable Growth: The association aims to facilitate the sustainable growth of the liquor industry in Kenya. It will collaborate with relevant stakeholders, such as government authorities, industry experts, and community organizations, to create a supportive business environment. This include advocating for fair policies, streamlining licensing process, and addressing challenges faced by liquor traders, with a focus on long-term economic viability and social responsibility. Collaboration and Stakeholders Engagement: The association recognizes the importance of collaboration and engagement with various stakeholders. It will foster relationships with government agencies, regulatory bodies, community leaders and other industry associations to ensure that the interests and concerns of liquor traders are represented effectively, and to work towards mutually beneficial outcome for all parties involved. Vision MELTA will be focused on protecting the interests and safety of consumers and on ensuring that alcohol is enjoyed in moderation, in ways that are appropriate to the local context and in line with national best practices Leadership: The association aims to be recognized as the foremost authority and spokesperson for liquor traders in Kenya, leading the way in shaping policies, standards, and best practices that promote the interest of its members. Advocacy and Influence: The association seeks to have a significant impact on decision-making processes at the government and regulatory levels, ensuring that the voices of liquor traders are heard, and their concerns and interests are considered when formulating policies and regulations affecting the alcohol industry. Professionalism and Excellence: The association envisions a liquor trading industry in Kenya that upholds the highest standards of professionalism, business ethics, and customer service. It aims to promote continuous learning, innovation, and improvement among its members to elevate the industry’s reputation and credibility. Responsible Alcohol Industry: The association strives to be the forefront of promoting responsible alcohol consumption practices, raising awareness about the potential harms of excessive drinking, and supporting initiatives that promote moderation, health and safety within the liquor trading community and the wider society. Economic Growth and Community Development: The association aims to position the liquor trading industry as a significant contributor to the national economy, generating employment opportunities, fostering entrepreneurship, and supporting local business. It envisions a strong collaboration between liquor traders and communities, with mutual benefits and shared prosperity. Collaboration and Partnerships: The association seeks to build strategic alliances and partnerships with relevant stakeholders, practices among liquor traders and their customers through awareness campaigns, partnerships with alcohol organizations, and initiatives aimed at reducing underage drinking, combating alcohol-related harm, and promoting the well-being of communities. Business Support and Development: Offering assistance and guidance to liquor traders in areas such as business planning, financing options, marketing strategies, and operational efficiency, to help them establish and sustain successful enterprises. Compliance and Ethics: Encouraging and facilitating adherence to legal requirements, industry standards, and ethical practices among liquor traders, promoting responsible business conduct, fair competition, and a positive public image for the alcohol industry. Industry Collaboration: Collaborating with other industry associations, trade organizations, and stakeholder’s within the alcohol industry to address common challenges, share knowledge and resources, and work collectively towards the growth and improvement of the sector. Economic Contribution: Advocating for policies and initiatives that recognize and promote the economic contribution of liquor trading industry to the national economy, highlight its role in job creation, revenue generation, and supporting local business and supply chain. MELTA through pursuing the above objectives, it will effectively serve our members’ interests, strengthen the liquor trading sector, and contribute to the overall growth and development of the country’s alcohol industry. sales. Other African countries dealt with the situation differently whilst facing the global pandemic. Focus Area. BEING A RESPONSIBLE BALANCED INDUSTRY MELTA member will recognise their responsibility towards consumers we believe that responsible consumption of alcohol can be part of a balanced lifestyle and we are committed to fighting against harmful drinking. MELTA acknowledges the value that a whole-of-society approach, combining the public, private and third sectors can bring in this regard GENDER BASED VIOLENCE Our Commitment…… MELTA will seek to play a leading role in the fight against Gender Based Violence (GBV) In addition to Providing this practical support to traders, the 365 GBV in- Action project will focus on the important role That the industry’s frontline workers have been playing: a role in the fight against Gender Based Violence “Themed “Voice of the Voiceless”. Responsible Drinking. MELTA’s members will assume that alcohol should always be enjoyed in moderation and that it can be part of a balanced lifestyle. We are therefore committed to addressing the irresponsible consumption of alcohol. To that end, several programs will be implemented by MELTA members to advance the work being done within the liquor trade industry, and we will also deliver training to frontline staff about the responsible serving of alcohol as well as champion for the establishment of affordable rehabilitation centres for the Alcohol, Drugs and Substance abuse affected citizens Drink and Drive Awareness campaign Our Commitment…… Safety comes first, MELTA members will take a commitment pledge to help in reducing alcohol-related traffic injuries and death, with a slogan Protection of Minors Our Commitment…… MELTA members will strictly be opposed to underage drinking, we are therefore determined to combat underage drinking and will support a whole-society-approach that aims to educate young people on the risks, and dangers associated with teenage drinking. We shall support the adoption of the legal purchasing age (LPA) in each county where our members are. In many counties, our members will adopt self-regulating code of practice for the responsible marketing of their product. We shall apply these principals online. TO GETHER IN SPIRIT – KENYA In collaboration with the brewers and distillers we shall empower un-licensed liquor traders to set-up legal business. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 3 including government agencies, industry association, NGOs, and community organizations, to leverage collective strengths, pool resources, and achieve common objective for the sustainable growth and development of the alcohol industry. Objectives; Advocacy and Representation: Representing the interests of the liquor traders in Kenya at various levels, including government bodies, regulatory agencies, and industry forums, to advocate for favourable policies, fair licensing procedures, and taxation frameworks that support the growth and sustainability of liquor trading businesses. Policy Development and Influence: Participating in the development of policies and regulations related to the alcohol industry, providing expert input and recommendations, and influencing decision-making process to ensure the concern and needs of liquor traders are adequately addressed. Education and Training: Providing educational and training programs to liquor traders, aimed at enhancing their knowledge, skills, and professionalism in areas such as responsible alcohol sales, customer service, business management, compliance with legal requirements, and health and safety practices. Information and Resource Sharing: Establishing a centralized platform or communication channels to disseminate relevant and up-to-date information to liquor traders, including market trends, legal updates, industry best practices, and business development resources, to empower them with valuable insights for informed decision-making. Networking and Collaboration: Creating opportunities for liquor traders to network, collaborate, and share experiences, fostering a supportive community where members can exchange ideas, discuss challenges, and learn from one another to enhance their businesses’ growth and success. Social responsibility: Promoting responsible alcohol consumption MEDIUM LIQUOR TRADERS ASSOCIATION – MELTA “Small and Medium Traders Deserve to be heard” Mission Melta’s mission is to represent and support liquor traders across Kenya, fostering a thriving and responsible liquor industry while advocating for the interest of our members we aim to promote professionalism, ethical business practices, and sustainable growth, while working in collaboration with relevant stakeholders to create a conducive environment for liquor trade through: Representation and support: The association aims to be the unified voice of liquor traders in Kenya, advocating for their rights, interests, and concerns. It will provide support to its members by offering guidance, resources and assistance in navigating regulatory frameworks, business challenges, and market dynamics. Thriving and Responsible Industry: The association is committed to promoting a liquor industry that thrives economically while upholding high standards of responsibility. It will encourage members to adopt responsible selling practices, promote awareness about alcohol-related issues, and work towards reducing the negative social and health impacts associated with alcohol consumption. Professionalism and Ethical Business Practices: The association seeks to elevate the professionalism and integrity of liquor traders in Kenya. It will promote ethical business practices, encourage members to comply with legal requirements, and provide training and resources to enhance the knowledge and skills of liquor traders in areas such as customer service, product quality and responsible marketing. Sustainable Growth: The association aims to facilitate the sustainable growth of the liquor industry in Kenya. It will collaborate with relevant stakeholders, such as government authorities, industry experts, and community organizations, to create a supportive business environment. This include advocating for fair policies, streamlining licensing process, and addressing challenges faced by liquor traders, with a focus on long-term economic viability and social responsibility. Collaboration and Stakeholders Engagement: The association recognizes the importance of collaboration and engagement with various stakeholders. It will foster relationships with government agencies, regulatory bodies, community leaders and other industry associations to ensure that the interests and concerns of liquor traders are represented effectively, and to work towards mutually beneficial outcome for all parties involved. Vision MELTA will be focused on protecting the interests and safety of consumers and on ensuring that alcohol is enjoyed in moderation, in ways that are appropriate to the local context and in line with national best practices Leadership: The association aims to be recognized as the foremost authority and spokesperson for liquor traders in Kenya, leading the way in shaping policies, standards, and best practices that promote the interest of its members. Advocacy and Influence: The association seeks to have a significant impact on decision-making processes at the government and regulatory levels, ensuring that the voices of liquor traders are heard, and their concerns and interests are considered when formulating policies and regulations affecting the alcohol industry. Professionalism and Excellence: The association envisions a liquor trading industry in Kenya that upholds the highest standards of professionalism, business ethics, and customer service. It aims to promote continuous learning, innovation, and improvement among its members to elevate the industry’s reputation and credibility. Responsible Alcohol Industry: The association strives to be the forefront of promoting responsible alcohol consumption practices, raising awareness about the potential harms of excessive drinking, and supporting initiatives that promote moderation, health and safety within the liquor trading community and the wider society. Economic Growth and Community Development: The association aims to position the liquor trading industry as a significant contributor to the national economy, generating employment opportunities, fostering entrepreneurship, and supporting local business. It envisions a strong collaboration between liquor traders and communities, with mutual benefits and shared prosperity. Collaboration and Partnerships: The association seeks to build strategic alliances and partnerships with relevant stakeholders, practices among liquor traders and their customers through awareness campaigns, partnerships with alcohol organizations, and initiatives aimed at reducing underage drinking, combating alcohol-related harm, and promoting the well-being of communities. Business Support and Development: Offering assistance and guidance to liquor traders in areas such as business planning, financing options, marketing strategies, and operational efficiency, to help them establish and sustain successful enterprises. Compliance and Ethics: Encouraging and facilitating adherence to legal requirements, industry standards, and ethical practices among liquor traders, promoting responsible business conduct, fair competition, and a positive public image for the alcohol industry. Industry Collaboration: Collaborating with other industry associations, trade organizations, and stakeholder’s within the alcohol industry to address common challenges, share knowledge and resources, and work collectively towards the growth and improvement of the sector. Economic Contribution: Advocating for policies and initiatives that recognize and promote the economic contribution of liquor trading industry to the national economy, highlight its role in job creation, revenue generation, and supporting local business and supply chain. MELTA through pursuing the above objectives, it will effectively serve our members’ interests, strengthen the liquor trading sector, and contribute to the overall growth and development of the country’s alcohol industry. sales. Other African countries dealt with the situation differently whilst facing the global pandemic. Focus Area. BEING A RESPONSIBLE BALANCED INDUSTRY MELTA member will recognise their responsibility towards consumers we believe that responsible consumption of alcohol can be part of a balanced lifestyle and we are committed to fighting against harmful drinking. MELTA acknowledges the value that a whole-of-society approach, combining the public, private and third sectors can bring in this regard GENDER BASED VIOLENCE Our Commitment…… MELTA will seek to play a leading role in the fight against Gender Based Violence (GBV) In addition to Providing this practical support to traders, the 365 GBV in- Action project will focus on the important role That the industry’s frontline workers have been playing: a role in the fight against Gender Based Violence “Themed “Voice of the Voiceless”. Responsible Drinking. MELTA’s members will assume that alcohol should always be enjoyed in moderation and that it can be part of a balanced lifestyle. We are therefore committed to addressing the irresponsible consumption of alcohol. To that end, several programs will be implemented by MELTA members to advance the work being done within the liquor trade industry, and we will also deliver training to frontline staff about the responsible serving of alcohol as well as champion for the establishment of affordable rehabilitation centres for the Alcohol, Drugs and Substance abuse affected citizens Drink and Drive Awareness campaign Our Commitment…… Safety comes first, MELTA members will take a commitment pledge to help in reducing alcohol-related traffic injuries and death, with a slogan Protection of Minors Our Commitment…… MELTA members will strictly be opposed to underage drinking, we are therefore determined to combat underage drinking and will support a whole-society-approach that aims to educate young people on the risks, and dangers associated with teenage drinking. We shall support the adoption of the legal purchasing age (LPA) in each county where our members are. In many counties, our members will adopt self-regulating code of practice for the responsible marketing of their product. We shall apply these principals online. TO GETHER IN SPIRIT – KENYA In collaboration with the brewers and distillers we shall empower un-licensed liquor traders to set-up legal business. 4 including government agencies, industry association, NGOs, and community organizations, to leverage collective strengths, pool resources, and achieve common objective for the sustainable growth and development of the alcohol industry. Objectives; Advocacy and Representation: Representing the interests of the liquor traders in Kenya at various levels, including government bodies, regulatory agencies, and industry forums, to advocate for favourable policies, fair licensing procedures, and taxation frameworks that support the growth and sustainability of liquor trading businesses. Policy Development and Influence: Participating in the development of policies and regulations related to the alcohol industry, providing expert input and recommendations, and influencing decision-making process to ensure the concern and needs of liquor traders are adequately addressed. Education and Training: Providing educational and training programs to liquor traders, aimed at enhancing their knowledge, skills, and professionalism in areas such as responsible alcohol sales, customer service, business management, compliance with legal requirements, and health and safety practices. Information and Resource Sharing: Establishing a centralized platform or communication channels to disseminate relevant and up-to-date information to liquor traders, including market trends, legal updates, industry best practices, and business development resources, to empower them with valuable insights for informed decision-making. Networking and Collaboration: Creating opportunities for liquor traders to network, collaborate, and share experiences, fostering a supportive community where members can exchange ideas, discuss challenges, and learn from one another to enhance their businesses’ growth and success. Social responsibility: Promoting responsible alcohol consumption MEDIUM LIQUOR TRADERS ASSOCIATION – MELTA “Small and Medium Traders Deserve to be heard” Mission Melta’s mission is to represent and support liquor traders across Kenya, fostering a thriving and responsible liquor industry while advocating for the interest of our members we aim to promote professionalism, ethical business practices, and sustainable growth, while working in collaboration with relevant stakeholders to create a conducive environment for liquor trade through: Representation and support: The association aims to be the unified voice of liquor traders in Kenya, advocating for their rights, interests, and concerns. It will provide support to its members by offering guidance, resources and assistance in navigating regulatory frameworks, business challenges, and market dynamics. Thriving and Responsible Industry: The association is committed to promoting a liquor industry that thrives economically while upholding high standards of responsibility. It will encourage members to adopt responsible selling practices, promote awareness about alcohol-related issues, and work towards reducing the negative social and health impacts associated with alcohol consumption. Professionalism and Ethical Business Practices: The association seeks to elevate the professionalism and integrity of liquor traders in Kenya. It will promote ethical business practices, encourage members to comply with legal requirements, and provide training and resources to enhance the knowledge and skills of liquor traders in areas such as customer service, product quality and responsible marketing. Sustainable Growth: The association aims to facilitate the sustainable growth of the liquor industry in Kenya. It will collaborate with relevant stakeholders, such as government authorities, industry experts, and community organizations, to create a supportive business environment. This include advocating for fair policies, streamlining licensing process, and addressing challenges faced by liquor traders, with a focus on long-term economic viability and social responsibility. Collaboration and Stakeholders Engagement: The association recognizes the importance of collaboration and engagement with various stakeholders. It will foster relationships with government agencies, regulatory bodies, community leaders and other industry associations to ensure that the interests and concerns of liquor traders are represented effectively, and to work towards mutually beneficial outcome for all parties involved. Vision MELTA will be focused on protecting the interests and safety of consumers and on ensuring that alcohol is enjoyed in moderation, in ways that are appropriate to the local context and in line with national best practices Leadership: The association aims to be recognized as the foremost authority and spokesperson for liquor traders in Kenya, leading the way in shaping policies, standards, and best practices that promote the interest of its members. Advocacy and Influence: The association seeks to have a significant impact on decision-making processes at the government and regulatory levels, ensuring that the voices of liquor traders are heard, and their concerns and interests are considered when formulating policies and regulations affecting the alcohol industry. Professionalism and Excellence: The association envisions a liquor trading industry in Kenya that upholds the highest standards of professionalism, business ethics, and customer service. It aims to promote continuous learning, innovation, and improvement among its members to elevate the industry’s reputation and credibility. Responsible Alcohol Industry: The association strives to be the forefront of promoting responsible alcohol consumption practices, raising awareness about the potential harms of excessive drinking, and supporting initiatives that promote moderation, health and safety within the liquor trading community and the wider society. Economic Growth and Community Development: The association aims to position the liquor trading industry as a significant contributor to the national economy, generating employment opportunities, fostering entrepreneurship, and supporting local business. It envisions a strong collaboration between liquor traders and communities, with mutual benefits and shared prosperity. Collaboration and Partnerships: The association seeks to build strategic alliances and partnerships with relevant stakeholders, practices among liquor traders and their customers through awareness campaigns, partnerships with alcohol organizations, and initiatives aimed at reducing underage drinking, combating alcohol-related harm, and promoting the well-being of communities. Business Support and Development: Offering assistance and guidance to liquor traders in areas such as business planning, financing options, marketing strategies, and operational efficiency, to help them establish and sustain successful enterprises. Compliance and Ethics: Encouraging and facilitating adherence to legal requirements, industry standards, and ethical practices among liquor traders, promoting responsible business conduct, fair competition, and a positive public image for the alcohol industry. Industry Collaboration: Collaborating with other industry associations, trade organizations, and stakeholder’s within the alcohol industry to address common challenges, share knowledge and resources, and work collectively towards the growth and improvement of the sector. Economic Contribution: Advocating for policies and initiatives that recognize and promote the economic contribution of liquor trading industry to the national economy, highlight its role in job creation, revenue generation, and supporting local business and supply chain. MELTA through pursuing the above objectives, it will effectively serve our members’ interests, strengthen the liquor trading sector, and contribute to the overall growth and development of the country’s alcohol industry. sales. Other African countries dealt with the situation differently whilst facing the global pandemic. Focus Area. BEING A RESPONSIBLE BALANCED INDUSTRY MELTA member will recognise their responsibility towards consumers we believe that responsible consumption of alcohol can be part of a balanced lifestyle and we are committed to fighting against harmful drinking. MELTA acknowledges the value that a whole-of-society approach, combining the public, private and third sectors can bring in this regard GENDER BASED VIOLENCE Our Commitment…… MELTA will seek to play a leading role in the fight against Gender Based Violence (GBV) In addition to Providing this practical support to traders, the 365 GBV in- Action project will focus on the important role That the industry’s frontline workers have been playing: a role in the fight against Gender Based Violence “Themed “Voice of the Voiceless”. Responsible Drinking. MELTA’s members will assume that alcohol should always be enjoyed in moderation and that it can be part of a balanced lifestyle. We are therefore committed to addressing the irresponsible consumption of alcohol. To that end, several programs will be implemented by MELTA members to advance the work being done within the liquor trade industry, and we will also deliver training to frontline staff about the responsible serving of alcohol as well as champion for the establishment of affordable rehabilitation centres for the Alcohol, Drugs and Substance abuse affected citizens Drink and Drive Awareness campaign Our Commitment…… Safety comes first, MELTA members will take a commitment pledge to help in reducing alcohol-related traffic injuries and death, with a slogan Protection of Minors Our Commitment…… MELTA members will strictly be opposed to underage drinking, we are therefore determined to combat underage drinking and will support a whole-society-approach that aims to educate young people on the risks, and dangers associated with teenage drinking. We shall support the adoption of the legal purchasing age (LPA) in each county where our members are. In many counties, our members will adopt self-regulating code of practice for the responsible marketing of their product. We shall apply these principals online. TO GETHER IN SPIRIT – KENYA In collaboration with the brewers and distillers we shall empower un-licensed liquor traders to set-up legal business. 5 including government agencies, industry association, NGOs, and community organizations, to leverage collective strengths, pool resources, and achieve common objective for the sustainable growth and development of the alcohol industry. Objectives; Advocacy and Representation: Representing the interests of the liquor traders in Kenya at various levels, including government bodies, regulatory agencies, and industry forums, to advocate for favourable policies, fair licensing procedures, and taxation frameworks that support the growth and sustainability of liquor trading businesses. Policy Development and Influence: Participating in the development of policies and regulations related to the alcohol industry, providing expert input and recommendations, and influencing decision-making process to ensure the concern and needs of liquor traders are adequately addressed. Education and Training: Providing educational and training programs to liquor traders, aimed at enhancing their knowledge, skills, and professionalism in areas such as responsible alcohol sales, customer service, business management, compliance with legal requirements, and health and safety practices. Information and Resource Sharing: Establishing a centralized platform or communication channels to disseminate relevant and up-to-date information to liquor traders, including market trends, legal updates, industry best practices, and business development resources, to empower them with valuable insights for informed decision-making. Networking and Collaboration: Creating opportunities for liquor traders to network, collaborate, and share experiences, fostering a supportive community where members can exchange ideas, discuss challenges, and learn from one another to enhance their businesses’ growth and success. Social responsibility: Promoting responsible alcohol consumption MEDIUM LIQUOR TRADERS ASSOCIATION – MELTA “Small and Medium Traders Deserve to be heard” Mission Melta’s mission is to represent and support liquor traders across Kenya, fostering a thriving and responsible liquor industry while advocating for the interest of our members we aim to promote professionalism, ethical business practices, and sustainable growth, while working in collaboration with relevant stakeholders to create a conducive environment for liquor trade through: Representation and support: The association aims to be the unified voice of liquor traders in Kenya, advocating for their rights, interests, and concerns. It will provide support to its members by offering guidance, resources and assistance in navigating regulatory frameworks, business challenges, and market dynamics. Thriving and Responsible Industry: The association is committed to promoting a liquor industry that thrives economically while upholding high standards of responsibility. It will encourage members to adopt responsible selling practices, promote awareness about alcohol-related issues, and work towards reducing the negative social and health impacts associated with alcohol consumption. Professionalism and Ethical Business Practices: The association seeks to elevate the professionalism and integrity of liquor traders in Kenya. It will promote ethical business practices, encourage members to comply with legal requirements, and provide training and resources to enhance the knowledge and skills of liquor traders in areas such as customer service, product quality and responsible marketing. Sustainable Growth: The association aims to facilitate the sustainable growth of the liquor industry in Kenya. It will collaborate with relevant stakeholders, such as government authorities, industry experts, and community organizations, to create a supportive business environment. This include advocating for fair policies, streamlining licensing process, and addressing challenges faced by liquor traders, with a focus on long-term economic viability and social responsibility. Collaboration and Stakeholders Engagement: The association recognizes the importance of collaboration and engagement with various stakeholders. It will foster relationships with government agencies, regulatory bodies, community leaders and other industry associations to ensure that the interests and concerns of liquor traders are represented effectively, and to work towards mutually beneficial outcome for all parties involved. Vision MELTA will be focused on protecting the interests and safety of consumers and on ensuring that alcohol is enjoyed in moderation, in ways that are appropriate to the local context and in line with national best practices Leadership: The association aims to be recognized as the foremost authority and spokesperson for liquor traders in Kenya, leading the way in shaping policies, standards, and best practices that promote the interest of its members. Advocacy and Influence: The association seeks to have a significant impact on decision-making processes at the government and regulatory levels, ensuring that the voices of liquor traders are heard, and their concerns and interests are considered when formulating policies and regulations affecting the alcohol industry. Professionalism and Excellence: The association envisions a liquor trading industry in Kenya that upholds the highest standards of professionalism, business ethics, and customer service. It aims to promote continuous learning, innovation, and improvement among its members to elevate the industry’s reputation and credibility. Responsible Alcohol Industry: The association strives to be the forefront of promoting responsible alcohol consumption practices, raising awareness about the potential harms of excessive drinking, and supporting initiatives that promote moderation, health and safety within the liquor trading community and the wider society. Economic Growth and Community Development: The association aims to position the liquor trading industry as a significant contributor to the national economy, generating employment opportunities, fostering entrepreneurship, and supporting local business. It envisions a strong collaboration between liquor traders and communities, with mutual benefits and shared prosperity. Collaboration and Partnerships: The association seeks to build strategic alliances and partnerships with relevant stakeholders, practices among liquor traders and their customers through awareness campaigns, partnerships with alcohol organizations, and initiatives aimed at reducing underage drinking, combating alcohol-related harm, and promoting the well-being of communities. Business Support and Development: Offering assistance and guidance to liquor traders in areas such as business planning, financing options, marketing strategies, and operational efficiency, to help them establish and sustain successful enterprises. Compliance and Ethics: Encouraging and facilitating adherence to legal requirements, industry standards, and ethical practices among liquor traders, promoting responsible business conduct, fair competition, and a positive public image for the alcohol industry. Industry Collaboration: Collaborating with other industry associations, trade organizations, and stakeholder’s within the alcohol industry to address common challenges, share knowledge and resources, and work collectively towards the growth and improvement of the sector. Economic Contribution: Advocating for policies and initiatives that recognize and promote the economic contribution of liquor trading industry to the national economy, highlight its role in job creation, revenue generation, and supporting local business and supply chain. MELTA through pursuing the above objectives, it will effectively serve our members’ interests, strengthen the liquor trading sector, and contribute to the overall growth and development of the country’s alcohol industry. sales. Other African countries dealt with the situation differently whilst facing the global pandemic. Focus Area. BEING A RESPONSIBLE BALANCED INDUSTRY MELTA member will recognise their responsibility towards consumers we believe that responsible consumption of alcohol can be part of a balanced lifestyle and we are committed to fighting against harmful drinking. MELTA acknowledges the value that a whole-of-society approach, combining the public, private and third sectors can bring in this regard GENDER BASED VIOLENCE Our Commitment…… MELTA will seek to play a leading role in the fight against Gender Based Violence (GBV) In addition to Providing this practical support to traders, the 365 GBV in- Action project will focus on the important role That the industry’s frontline workers have been playing: a role in the fight against Gender Based Violence “Themed “Voice of the Voiceless”. Responsible Drinking. MELTA’s members will assume that alcohol should always be enjoyed in moderation and that it can be part of a balanced lifestyle. We are therefore committed to addressing the irresponsible consumption of alcohol. To that end, several programs will be implemented by MELTA members to advance the work being done within the liquor trade industry, and we will also deliver training to frontline staff about the responsible serving of alcohol as well as champion for the establishment of affordable rehabilitation centres for the Alcohol, Drugs and Substance abuse affected citizens Drink and Drive Awareness campaign Our Commitment…… Safety comes first, MELTA members will take a commitment pledge to help in reducing alcohol-related traffic injuries and death, with a slogan Protection of Minors Our Commitment…… MELTA members will strictly be opposed to underage drinking, we are therefore determined to combat underage drinking and will support a whole-society-approach that aims to educate young people on the risks, and dangers associated with teenage drinking. We shall support the adoption of the legal purchasing age (LPA) in each county where our members are. In many counties, our members will adopt self-regulating code of practice for the responsible marketing of their product. We shall apply these principals online. TO GETHER IN SPIRIT – KENYA In collaboration with the brewers and distillers we shall empower un-licensed liquor traders to set-up legal business. 6 including government agencies, industry association, NGOs, and community organizations, to leverage collective strengths, pool resources, and achieve common objective for the sustainable growth and development of the alcohol industry. Objectives; Advocacy and Representation: Representing the interests of the liquor traders in Kenya at various levels, including government bodies, regulatory agencies, and industry forums, to advocate for favourable policies, fair licensing procedures, and taxation frameworks that support the growth and sustainability of liquor trading businesses. Policy Development and Influence: Participating in the development of policies and regulations related to the alcohol industry, providing expert input and recommendations, and influencing decision-making process to ensure the concern and needs of liquor traders are adequately addressed. Education and Training: Providing educational and training programs to liquor traders, aimed at enhancing their knowledge, skills, and professionalism in areas such as responsible alcohol sales, customer service, business management, compliance with legal requirements, and health and safety practices. Information and Resource Sharing: Establishing a centralized platform or communication channels to disseminate relevant and up-to-date information to liquor traders, including market trends, legal updates, industry best practices, and business development resources, to empower them with valuable insights for informed decision-making. Networking and Collaboration: Creating opportunities for liquor traders to network, collaborate, and share experiences, fostering a supportive community where members can exchange ideas, discuss challenges, and learn from one another to enhance their businesses’ growth and success. Social responsibility: Promoting responsible alcohol consumption MEDIUM LIQUOR TRADERS ASSOCIATION – MELTA “Small and Medium Traders Deserve to be heard” Mission Melta’s mission is to represent and support liquor traders across Kenya, fostering a thriving and responsible liquor industry while advocating for the interest of our members we aim to promote professionalism, ethical business practices, and sustainable growth, while working in collaboration with relevant stakeholders to create a conducive environment for liquor trade through: Representation and support: The association aims to be the unified voice of liquor traders in Kenya, advocating for their rights, interests, and concerns. It will provide support to its members by offering guidance, resources and assistance in navigating regulatory frameworks, business challenges, and market dynamics. Thriving and Responsible Industry: The association is committed to promoting a liquor industry that thrives economically while upholding high standards of responsibility. It will encourage members to adopt responsible selling practices, promote awareness about alcohol-related issues, and work towards reducing the negative social and health impacts associated with alcohol consumption. Professionalism and Ethical Business Practices: The association seeks to elevate the professionalism and integrity of liquor traders in Kenya. It will promote ethical business practices, encourage members to comply with legal requirements, and provide training and resources to enhance the knowledge and skills of liquor traders in areas such as customer service, product quality and responsible marketing. Sustainable Growth: The association aims to facilitate the sustainable growth of the liquor industry in Kenya. It will collaborate with relevant stakeholders, such as government authorities, industry experts, and community organizations, to create a supportive business environment. This include advocating for fair policies, streamlining licensing process, and addressing challenges faced by liquor traders, with a focus on long-term economic viability and social responsibility. Collaboration and Stakeholders Engagement: The association recognizes the importance of collaboration and engagement with various stakeholders. It will foster relationships with government agencies, regulatory bodies, community leaders and other industry associations to ensure that the interests and concerns of liquor traders are represented effectively, and to work towards mutually beneficial outcome for all parties involved. Vision MELTA will be focused on protecting the interests and safety of consumers and on ensuring that alcohol is enjoyed in moderation, in ways that are appropriate to the local context and in line with national best practices Leadership: The association aims to be recognized as the foremost authority and spokesperson for liquor traders in Kenya, leading the way in shaping policies, standards, and best practices that promote the interest of its members. Advocacy and Influence: The association seeks to have a significant impact on decision-making processes at the government and regulatory levels, ensuring that the voices of liquor traders are heard, and their concerns and interests are considered when formulating policies and regulations affecting the alcohol industry. Professionalism and Excellence: The association envisions a liquor trading industry in Kenya that upholds the highest standards of professionalism, business ethics, and customer service. It aims to promote continuous learning, innovation, and improvement among its members to elevate the industry’s reputation and credibility. Responsible Alcohol Industry: The association strives to be the forefront of promoting responsible alcohol consumption practices, raising awareness about the potential harms of excessive drinking, and supporting initiatives that promote moderation, health and safety within the liquor trading community and the wider society. Economic Growth and Community Development: The association aims to position the liquor trading industry as a significant contributor to the national economy, generating employment opportunities, fostering entrepreneurship, and supporting local business. It envisions a strong collaboration between liquor traders and communities, with mutual benefits and shared prosperity. Collaboration and Partnerships: The association seeks to build strategic alliances and partnerships with relevant stakeholders, practices among liquor traders and their customers through awareness campaigns, partnerships with alcohol organizations, and initiatives aimed at reducing underage drinking, combating alcohol-related harm, and promoting the well-being of communities. Business Support and Development: Offering assistance and guidance to liquor traders in areas such as business planning, financing options, marketing strategies, and operational efficiency, to help them establish and sustain successful enterprises. Compliance and Ethics: Encouraging and facilitating adherence to legal requirements, industry standards, and ethical practices among liquor traders, promoting responsible business conduct, fair competition, and a positive public image for the alcohol industry. Industry Collaboration: Collaborating with other industry associations, trade organizations, and stakeholder’s within the alcohol industry to address common challenges, share knowledge and resources, and work collectively towards the growth and improvement of the sector. Economic Contribution: Advocating for policies and initiatives that recognize and promote the economic contribution of liquor trading industry to the national economy, highlight its role in job creation, revenue generation, and supporting local business and supply chain. MELTA through pursuing the above objectives, it will effectively serve our members’ interests, strengthen the liquor trading sector, and contribute to the overall growth and development of the country’s alcohol industry. sales. Other African countries dealt with the situation differently whilst facing the global pandemic. Focus Area. BEING A RESPONSIBLE BALANCED INDUSTRY MELTA member will recognise their responsibility towards consumers we believe that responsible consumption of alcohol can be part of a balanced lifestyle and we are committed to fighting against harmful drinking. MELTA acknowledges the value that a whole-of-society approach, combining the public, private and third sectors can bring in this regard GENDER BASED VIOLENCE Our Commitment…… MELTA will seek to play a leading role in the fight against Gender Based Violence (GBV) In addition to Providing this practical support to traders, the 365 GBV in- Action project will focus on the important role That the industry’s frontline workers have been playing: a role in the fight against Gender Based Violence “Themed “Voice of the Voiceless”. Responsible Drinking. MELTA’s members will assume that alcohol should always be enjoyed in moderation and that it can be part of a balanced lifestyle. We are therefore committed to addressing the irresponsible consumption of alcohol. To that end, several programs will be implemented by MELTA members to advance the work being done within the liquor trade industry, and we will also deliver training to frontline staff about the responsible serving of alcohol as well as champion for the establishment of affordable rehabilitation centres for the Alcohol, Drugs and Substance abuse affected citizens Drink and Drive Awareness campaign Our Commitment…… Safety comes first, MELTA members will take a commitment pledge to help in reducing alcohol-related traffic injuries and death, with a slogan Protection of Minors Our Commitment…… MELTA members will strictly be opposed to underage drinking, we are therefore determined to combat underage drinking and will support a whole-society-approach that aims to educate young people on the risks, and dangers associated with teenage drinking. We shall support the adoption of the legal purchasing age (LPA) in each county where our members are. In many counties, our members will adopt self-regulating code of practice for the responsible marketing of their product. We shall apply these principals online. TO GETHER IN SPIRIT – KENYA In collaboration with the brewers and distillers we shall empower un-licensed liquor traders to set-up legal business