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Focus Area

Responsible Drinking

MELTA member will recognise their responsibility towards consumers We believe that responsible consumption of alcohol can be part of a balanced lifestyle and we are committed to fighting against harmful drinking. MELTA acknowledges the value that a whole-of-society approach, combining the public, private and third sectors can bring in this regard

Responsible Drinking

MELTA’s members will assume that alcohol should always be enjoyed in moderation and that it can be part of a balanced lifestyle. We are therefore committed to addressing the irresponsible consumption of alcohol. To that end, several programs will be implemented by MELTA members to advance the work being done within the liquor trade industry, and we will also deliver training to frontline staff about the responsible serving of alcohol.

Drink and Drive Awareness campaign

Our Commitment……
Safety comes first, MELTA members will take a commitment pledge to help in reducing alcohol-related traffic injuries and death, with a slogan “To Drink Alcohol You 2 Be Alive”.

Protection of Minors

Our Commitment……
MELTA members will strictly be opposed to underage drinking, we are therefore determined to combat underage drinking and will support a whole-society-approach that aims to educate young people on the risks, and dangers associated with teenage drinking.

We shall support the adoption of the legal purchasing age (LPA) in each county where our members are. In many counties, our members will adopt self-regulating code of practice for the responsible marketing of their product. We shall apply these principals online.


In collaboration with the brewers and distillers we shall empower un-licensed liquor traders to set-up legal business.

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