Membership Application

Enter Company or Business Details
Director's Name
Password to use
    Strength: Very Weak
    Bar/Restaurant Owners Association above 10 members(3,500.00KSh )
    Select Your Payment Cycle
    Bar/Restaurant Owners Association above 10 members
    Select Your Payment Cycle
    Multiple ownership more than 5 Venues in more than 2 counties
    Select Your Payment Cycle
    Multiple Ownership up to 5 Venues
    Select Your Payment Cycle
    Select Your Payment Cycle
    Restaurant with Single Business Permit without Liquor License
    Select Your Payment Cycle
    Public Entertainment Venues (Cinemas/Movies, Theme Parks)
    Select Your Payment Cycle
    Premises with Hotel and Liquor license
    Select Your Payment Cycle
    Premises with Liquor License up to 11 p.m
    Select Your Payment Cycle
    Premises with Liquor License up to 3.00 a.m
    Select Your Payment Cycle
    Annual Fee
    Select Your Payment Cycle
    Medium Wines and Spirits
    Select Your Payment Cycle
    Small Wines & Spirits
    Select Your Payment Gateway
    How you want to pay?
    Members are supposed to abide to MELTA’s code of conduct (separately available)
    Please note that MELTA may call for verification or proof of any information furnished herein.
    The information you provide in this form will be treated as confidential.

    Payment Summary

    Your currently selected plan : , Plan Amount :
    Coupon Discount Amount : , Final Payable Amount: